Pydantic V2 Model Field Validation Not Executed with Form Data in FastAPI 0.111.0: Unraveling the Mystery
Image by Simha -

Pydantic V2 Model Field Validation Not Executed with Form Data in FastAPI 0.111.0: Unraveling the Mystery

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Are you stuck with Pydantic V2 model field validation not being executed with form data in FastAPI 0.111.0? Do you find yourself scratching your head, wondering why your input data isn’t being validated as expected? Worry no more, dear developer! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of FastAPI and Pydantic, exploring the reasons behind this issue and providing you with practical solutions to get your field validation up and running.

The Problem: Pydantic V2 Model Field Validation Not Executed

When working with FastAPI and Pydantic, you might have stumbled upon an issue where your Pydantic V2 model field validation isn’t being executed when processing form data. This can be frustrating, especially when you’ve invested time and effort into crafting a robust validation system.

Consider the following example, where we define a Pydantic V2 model with a simple validation rule:

from fastapi import FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel

app = FastAPI()

class User(BaseModel):
    name: str
    age: int

    class Config:
        validate_assignment = True"/users/")
async def create_user(user: User):
    return user

In this example, we’d expect the `name` field to be validated as a string and the `age` field to be validated as an integer. However, when we send a POST request to `/users/` with invalid data, such as `{“name”: 123, “age”: “abc”}`, the validation doesn’t kick in, and the request is processed without any issues.

The Reason: FastAPI’s Request Body and Query Parameters

The root cause of this issue lies in how FastAPI handles request bodies and query parameters. When you send a request to FastAPI, the framework uses the `Request` object to parse the incoming data. By default, FastAPI uses the `json` parser to parse the request body, which doesn’t trigger Pydantic’s validation.

To understand this better, let’s take a closer look at how FastAPI processes requests:

  1. FastAPI receives the incoming request and creates a `Request` object.
  2. The `Request` object is then passed to the `Request.json()` method, which parses the request body as JSON.
  3. The parsed JSON data is then passed to the Pydantic model, which attempts to validate the data.

The issue arises because the `Request.json()` method doesn’t trigger Pydantic’s validation. Instead, it simply returns the parsed JSON data, which can contain invalid or malformed data.

The Solution: Using `Form` and `FormData`

To overcome this limitation, we can use FastAPI’s `Form` and `FormData` features to enable Pydantic’s validation. By using `Form`, we can tell FastAPI to parse the request body as form data, which triggers Pydantic’s validation.

Let’s modify our previous example to use `Form` and `FormData`:

from fastapi import FastAPI, Form
from pydantic import BaseModel

app = FastAPI()

class User(BaseModel):
    name: str
    age: int

    class Config:
        validate_assignment = True"/users/")
async def create_user(name: str = Form(...), age: int = Form(...)):
    user = User(name=name, age=age)
    return user

In this revised example, we’ve replaced the `user: User` parameter with individual `Form` parameters for `name` and `age`. By using `Form`, we’re telling FastAPI to parse the request body as form data, which enables Pydantic’s validation.

Now, when we send a POST request to `/users/` with invalid data, such as `{“name”: 123, “age”: “abc”}`, Pydantic’s validation kicks in, and we receive a 422 error response with a detailed error message.

Additional Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks to keep in mind when working with Pydantic V2 model field validation and FastAPI:

  • Use `Form` and `FormData` for form data validation, especially when working with HTML forms.
  • Use `JSON` and `Json` for JSON data validation, especially when working with JSON payloads.
  • Use `path` and `query` parameters for URL path and query string validation, respectively.
  • Use Pydantic’s `validate_all` feature to validate all fields, including optional ones.
  • Use FastAPI’s `Request` object to access the raw request data, if needed.


In this article, we’ve explored the issue of Pydantic V2 model field validation not being executed with form data in FastAPI 0.111.0. We’ve delved into the reasons behind this issue and provided practical solutions using FastAPI’s `Form` and `FormData` features.

By following these guidelines and tips, you’ll be able to harness the power of Pydantic’s validation and ensure that your input data is validated correctly, providing a robust and reliable API for your users.

Solution Description
Using `Form` and `FormData` Enables Pydantic’s validation for form data
Using `JSON` and `Json` Enables Pydantic’s validation for JSON data
Using `path` and `query` parameters Enables validation for URL path and query string data

Remember, validation is a crucial aspect of API development, and by using Pydantic and FastAPI, you can create robust and reliable APIs that ensure data integrity and consistency.


Q: Why isn’t Pydantic’s validation triggered when using `Request.json()`?

A: Because `Request.json()` doesn’t trigger Pydantic’s validation. Instead, use `Form` and `FormData` to enable validation.

Q: Can I use `JSON` and `Json` for form data validation?

A: No, use `Form` and `FormData` for form data validation. `JSON` and `Json` are meant for JSON data validation.

Q: How do I access the raw request data in FastAPI?

A: Use the `Request` object to access the raw request data.

By following these guidelines and tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating robust and reliable APIs using FastAPI and Pydantic. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on resolving the infamous Pydantic V2 model field validation issue with Form Data in Fastapi 0.111.0!

Why does Pydantic V2 model field validation not work with Form Data in Fastapi 0.111.0?

When working with Form Data in Fastapi 0.111.0, Pydantic V2 model field validation doesn’t kick in because Fastapi uses a different approach to handle form data. Specifically, Fastapi uses the `Request` object to extract form data, which bypasses Pydantic’s built-in validation mechanism.

How can I manually trigger Pydantic V2 model field validation for Form Data in Fastapi 0.111.0?

One way to manually trigger Pydantic V2 model field validation is to create a Pydantic model instance and pass the form data to it. You can do this by accessing the form data from the `Request` object and then creating a Pydantic model instance using that data. This will trigger the validation process and raise errors if any fields are invalid.

Is there a way to automatically trigger Pydantic V2 model field validation for Form Data in Fastapi 0.111.0?

Yes, you can use Fastapi’s built-in support for Pydantic models to automatically trigger validation. By using the `Form` annotation on your route function, Fastapi will automatically create a Pydantic model instance from the form data and trigger validation. This way, you can leverage Pydantic’s robust validation features without having to manually create a model instance.

What are some best practices for handling form data validation in Fastapi with Pydantic V2 models?

For maximum awesomeness, follow these best practices: 1) Use Pydantic V2 models to define your data structures and validation rules. 2) Leverage Fastapi’s built-in support for Pydantic models to automatically trigger validation. 3) Use meaningful error messages to provide helpful feedback to users. 4) Consider using separate models for request and response data to maintain clean and separate concerns.

Are there any workarounds for Pydantic V2 model field validation issues with Form Data in Fastapi 0.111.0?

Yes, if you’re stuck with an older version of Fastapi, you can use a workaround like creating a custom validation function that takes the form data as input and validates it manually using Pydantic’s validation features. Another approach is to use a third-party library like `fastapi-addons` that provides additional features for working with forms and validation in Fastapi.

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