Some random ownership changes through rsync -a inside a LXC container? Don’t Panic! We’ve Got You Covered!
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Some random ownership changes through rsync -a inside a LXC container? Don’t Panic! We’ve Got You Covered!

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Have you ever encountered an issue where you’ve synced files using rsync -a inside a LXC container, only to find that the ownership of the files has changed randomly? Yeah, it’s frustrating, to say the least. But fear not, dear reader, for we’re here to guide you through this wilderness and help you regain control over your file system.

What’s causing this chaos?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand what’s causing this behavior. When you use rsync -a to sync files inside a LXC container, the -a option preserves the permissions, ownership, timestamps, and other attributes of the source files. Sounds good, right? But here’s the catch: the ownership is preserved based on the UID and GID of the users and groups inside the container, not on the host system.

This means that if the UIDs and GIDs inside the container don’t match those on the host system, you’ll end up with files owned by random users and groups. And that’s exactly what’s causing the chaos.

Solution 1: Using the –numeric-ids option

One way to solve this issue is by using the –numeric-ids option with rsync. This option tells rsync to preserve the numeric IDs of the users and groups instead of relying on the names. Here’s an example:

rsync -a --numeric-ids /source/directory/ /destination/directory/

By using this option, rsync will preserve the numeric UIDs and GIDs, ensuring that the ownership remains consistent across the container and the host system.

Solution 2: Mapping UIDs and GIDs using rsync’s –map-option

Another approach is to use rsync’s –map-option to map the UIDs and GIDs between the container and the host system. This option allows you to specify a mapping file that defines the correspondences between the UIDs and GIDs.

Here’s an example of how you can create a mapping file:

# cat > /tmp/uid_gid_map.txt
+ 1001:1001
+ 1002:1002

In this example, the mapping file specifies that UID 1001 in the container corresponds to UID 1001 on the host system, and so on.

Once you have the mapping file, you can use it with rsync like this:

rsync -a --map=/tmp/uid_gid_map.txt /source/directory/ /destination/directory/

This will ensure that rsync applies the correct ownership based on the mappings defined in the file.

Solution 3: Adjusting LXC’s UID and GID mappings

Another approach is to adjust the UID and GID mappings in the LXC container itself. You can do this by editing the container’s configuration file (usually located at /etc/lxc/container.conf) and adding the following lines:

lxc.idmap = u 0 100000 65536
lxc.idmap = g 0 100000 65536

This will map the UIDs and GIDs inside the container to the range 100000-165535, which should prevent any conflicts with the host system.

Solution 4: Using a bind mount

Finally, if you’re using a modern Linux kernel (version 3.15 or later), you can use a bind mount to mount the source directory inside the container, like this:

mount --bind /source/directory/ /mnt/directory/

Then, you can use rsync without the -a option, like this:

rsync /mnt/directory/ /destination/directory/

This will preserve the ownership and permissions of the source files, without relying on rsync’s -a option.


There you have it, folks! Four solutions to tackle the issue of random ownership changes through rsync -a inside a LXC container. Whether you choose to use the –numeric-ids option, map UIDs and GIDs using rsync’s –map-option, adjust LXC’s UID and GID mappings, or employ a bind mount, you should be able to regain control over your file system and get back to what matters most – deploying and managing your apps with ease.

So, which solution will you choose? Let us know in the comments below!

Solution Description
Using the –numeric-ids option Preserves numeric UIDs and GIDs
Mapping UIDs and GIDs using rsync’s –map-option Maps UIDs and GIDs between container and host system
Adjusting LXC’s UID and GID mappings Maps UIDs and GIDs inside the container
Using a bind mount Preserves ownership and permissions without relying on rsync’s -a option


  1. Q: What version of rsync do I need to use the –numeric-ids option?

    A: You need rsync version 3.1.0 or later to use the –numeric-ids option.

  2. Q: Can I use the –map-option with other options, like -z or -v?

    A: Yes, you can combine the –map-option with other options, like -z for compression or -v for verbosity.

  3. Q: Will adjusting LXC’s UID and GID mappings affect other containers?

    A: Yes, adjusting the UID and GID mappings in the container’s configuration file will affect all containers that use the same configuration file.

  4. Q: Can I use a bind mount with other file systems, like NFS or Ceph?

    A: Yes, you can use a bind mount with other file systems, but be aware of any compatibility issues or performance implications.

Frequently Asked Question

If you’re experiencing some unexpected ownership changes when using `rsync -a` inside a LXC container, you’re not alone! We’ve got the answers to your most pressing questions.

What’s going on with the ownership changes when I use `rsync -a` inside my LXC container?

When you use `rsync -a` inside an LXC container, it preserves the permissions and ownership of the source files, which can lead to unexpected changes in ownership. This is because `rsync -a` is designed to mirror the source directory, including permissions and ownership.

Why does `rsync -a` preserve permissions and ownership by default?

`rsync -a` preserves permissions and ownership by default to ensure that the destination files have the same access control as the source files. This is useful when you want to maintain the same security settings and access controls between the source and destination directories.

How can I prevent `rsync -a` from changing ownership inside my LXC container?

You can prevent `rsync -a` from changing ownership by using the `–no-p` or `–no-perms` option. This tells `rsync` not to preserve permissions, including ownership, during the transfer process.

What if I still want to preserve permissions, but not ownership?

In that case, you can use the `–no-o` or `–no-owner` option with `rsync -a`. This will preserve permissions, but not ownership, during the transfer process.

Are there any other options I should consider when using `rsync` inside an LXC container?

Yes, it’s a good idea to consider using the `–chmod` option to specify the desired permissions for the destination files. Additionally, you may want to use the `– numeric-ids` option to ensure that `rsync` uses numeric IDs instead of user and group names, which can help avoid ownership issues.